We are now accepting nominations for industry achievement awards through January 31, 2025!
Awards Program
Through our annual awards program, NELA strives to recognize significant achievement in eleven categories. A maximum of one award will be given in each category. There may be circumstances when no awards are given in a category or categories. A plaque will be awarded in each of the categories.
To be eligible for one of those awards, or to make a nomination, the person or organization need not be a member of the Northeastern Loggers’ Association. An individual can nominate themselves or their organization, or it may be done by an outside party. The nominee must reside or conduct business in the Northeast and Lake States. Awards are presented each year at the Loggers’ Banquet held just prior to the Northeastern Forest Products Equipment Exposition. Look for the call for nominations in The Northern Logger and Timber Processor.
Entry Procedures
Send a brief (500 words or less) description of why you think the nominee should be given the award in the appropriate category. Along with the description, send a biographical sketch of the nominee and the names of two individuals who will verify and support the nomination.
Award Categories
The nominee must have owned or managed a logging operation for the past five years. The operation should be an example of safety and show the quality of results commensurate with excellent forestry practices. The award can recognize the person’s ability to innovate, or further the sensible use of mechanization in the woods.
The nominee must have owned or managed a sawmill for the past five years. Characteristics to be judged are safety record, innovation, mechanization, utilization and quality of end product.
This award will recognize the person or organization with significant accomplishments in promoting public education and acceptance of the forest products industry. The accomplishments should be in the form of campaigns, events, projects or activities aimed at audiences outside the forest products industry.
The nominee must have owned or managed a wood manufacturing facility for the past five years. Characteristics to be judged are safety record, innovation, mechanization, utilization and quality of end product.
This category is designed to recognize a person who has made exemplary contributions to the development of the forest industry from a technical, managerial or public relations point of view. The person’s accomplishments need not be limited to those three broad areas.
The nominee must be responsible for a resource management program. The program can be on public, private or industrial land.
The nominee should be a person who is in a position to give guidance and direction to the industry through efficient operation of his/her own endeavor and through a role in industry associations, task forces, industry committees, etc.
The nominee must have owned or operated a forest products trucking operation for the past five years. Characteristics to be judged are safety record, innovation and quality — traits associated with excellence in the industry.
The contributions to education can be technical, vocational, professional or aimed at the public-at-large. The nominee need not be an “educator” as long as the end result of his/her efforts are increased knowledge and under-standing of the forest industry or any one of its parts.
This award will be granted for the use of wood in architectural design, building, or end product use, such as furniture. The use should be judged on the basis of its function, practicality and aesthetic qualities.
Nominees should be people who over the years have had a significant impact on the safety record of any segment of the industry. It can be through supervision and management, education, or pioneering the use of safety gear.

Submitting a Nomination
OR send in your nomination to:
- Fax to (315) 369-3736
- Email our office: nela@northernlogger.com
- Mail to NELA, PO Box 69, Old Forge, N.Y. 13420
Nominations must be received by January 31, 2025. You can also get your nomination started over the phone, so feel free to call us at (315) 369-3078 with any questions.
When is the awards ceremony?
The awards will be given at the annual Loggers’ Banquet sponsored by Farm Credit. The Banquet will be held in Bangor, Maine on May 15, 2025, during the annual Loggers' Expo.