Promoting the Wise Stewardship of Our Forest Resources

NELA is a regional trade group representing members of the Northeast and Lake States’ logging, sawmilling, and forest products community.

Supporting the Industry

About Us

For over sixty years the Northeastern Loggers Association has published a highly respected monthly magazine that focuses exclusively on our region – The Northern Logger and Timber Processor. NELA also produces training programs, pamphlets and books, and the region’s largest exposition of forest products and tree care equipment. If you are interested in becoming a member, please click the link below.


Selected articles from The Northern Logger & Timber Processor magazine.

Recognizing Women: Jenee Smith

“What brought Ray and I to the woods?” Jenee Smith ponders the question. Logging had been part of her husband Ray Brewster’s life from a young age, while Smith had grown up cutting trees, pulling brush, and splitting firewood with her six siblings. “As a baby, my mom would put me in a stroller and the sound of a chainsaw would put me to sleep. To this day, I can’t help but start yawning when I hear a chainsaw.”

Low-density multiple-aged management in oak-pine-hemlock forest. This will have a high growth rate overall, and on larger crop trees. Also, a very low mortality rate, modest levels of carbon storage, and a high percent of durable wood products available from the next harvest.
Should We Manage Forests?

As active stewards of forests in our region, we are often called to respond in support of our profession. This
might come in the case of daily sales of our services, or just interacting with a neighbor. Better yet, we might have an opportunity to speak at a local school, or some public meeting. National Forests and State Forestry Departments sometimes seek public input for general plans, or specific projects. The other guys are going to show up, and they tend to be quite
passionate – we all have a story to tell.

Forest Industry Trends and Forecasts 2024

The forest industry across the Northeast is in a bit of a slump
– things aren’t necessarily bad, but it certainly isn’t a time of expansion and profitability. This is a huge shift from a year ago when many markets were booming, mills were looking everywhere for wood, and the supply chain was stretched to its limits. Here’s a look at what is happening by sector.

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